BSCRA Members Live

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Initially showing 25 entries
(click column header to sort)

ID Driver Area Grade Expiry
5872 GSR Racing Area8 0 23rd-Aug-2025
279 Chris Aldridge Area5 2 18th-Dec-2025
688 Chris Aston Area5 4 14th-Mar-2025
621 David Baker Area5 4 1st-Feb-2025
5810 Ecurie Barnton Area1 0 23rd-Mar-2025
58 Phil Barratt Area8 2 19th-May-2025
768 Richard Beamish Area10 4 26th-Feb-2025
754 Adrian Blakey Area2 4 18th-Mar-2025
675 Sammy Broom Area10 4 27th-Mar-2025
765 Stephen Brown Area10 4 25th-Jan-2025
661 Josh Bryant Area8 1 29th-Aug-2025
65 Paul Bucknell Area3 4 1st-Feb-2025
66 Bob Budge Area10 2 21st-Mar-2025
670 Paul Burgess Area6 4 8th-Mar-2025
71 John Carthy Area2 4 19th-Mar-2025
656 Alan Clark Area7 4 5th-Sep-2026
347 Pete Clarkson Area2 2 12th-Apr-2026
255 James Cleave Area10 1 9th-Apr-2025
764 Hugh Conway Area8 4 13th-Jan-2026
745 Martin Cook Area3 4 23rd-Jan-2025
76 Ian Corkhill Area5 4 1st-Feb-2025
748 Marcus Corrieri Area1 4 23rd-Jan-2026
79 Dave Coward Area7 2 3rd-Mar-2025
738 Pete Crane Area1 2 28th-Jan-2026
81 Mark Croston Area3 4 24th-Aug-2025
645 Nick Cunningham Area5 4 6th-Mar-2025
406 Mike Davies Area7 2 31st-Jan-2026
579 Ali Dent Area7 4 31st-Jan-2026
624 Adrian Dickson Area8 4 21st-Jan-2026
384 Gordon Dickson Area2 1 11th-Feb-2025
740 Nick Dodds Area3 4 13th-Jan-2026
326 Peter Donely Area2 2 29th-Mar-2025
618 Terry Dutton Area5 4 21st-Mar-2025
5863 Leicester Electricity SCC Area10 0 12th-Jul-2025
231 Martin Ellis Area2 1 8th-Jul-2025
677 David Ensor Area10 4 23rd-Mar-2025
720 Neil Erith Area8 4 25th-Jan-2025
252 David Farrow Area10 2 1st-Feb-2025
92 Pete Farthing Area3 4 27th-Mar-2025
274 Katy Fawcett Area2 4 23rd-Apr-2025
232 Norman Fawcett Area2 2 21st-Mar-2025
94 Ian Fisher Area6 3 31st-Jan-2051
97 Ian Fitzpatrick Area2 2 9th-Sep-2025
694 Gerry Fitzsimons Area3 2 9th-Nov-2025
620 Terry Foster Area10 2 2nd-Jan-2026
98 Simon Francis Area7 2 30th-Mar-2025
247 Ted French Area7 4 31st-Jan-2026
99 Chris Frost Area7 2 27th-Jan-2026
577 Ray George Area6 4 7th-Mar-2025
108 Keith Gibson Area8 1 9th-Apr-2025
691 Barry Gilzean Area6 2 22nd-Jul-2025
531 Ricky Gowen Area10 4 31st-Jan-2026
511 Sandy Grant Area10 4 15th-Nov-2025
335 Jennifer Gray Area5 4 1st-Mar-2025
113 Neil Grogan Area1 2 20th-Mar-2025
115 Dave Guild Area1 4 18th-Apr-2025
116 Wink Hackman Area8 4 8th-Feb-2025
475 Rob Harding Area6 4 1st-Mar-2025
120 Dave Harvey Area9 2 1st-Mar-2025
122 Greg Harwood Area8 1 3rd-Mar-2025
224 Mark Harwood Area8 1 3rd-Mar-2025
225 Paul Harwood Area6 1 4th-Mar-2025
375 Ant Hawkes Area1 2 5th-Feb-2026
125 Phil Hemsley Area8 2 11th-Mar-2025
611 Steve Hills Area7 4 16th-Jul-2025
583 David Hodgson Area3 4 12th-Jan-2026
544 Ian Howard Area5 2 29th-Mar-2025
226 Casimir Iwaszkiewicz Area6 4 11th-Mar-2025
263 Colin Jackson Area3 2 7th-Mar-2025
136 Bill Jenner Area9 4 9th-Mar-2025
138 Steve Kearey Area5 2 18th-Nov-2025
254 Mick Kerr Area10 4 29th-Jan-2025
141 Peter Kerr Area8 4 25th-Aug-2025
648 Rob Kerr Area10 4 29th-Jan-2025
438 Richy Kettleson Area3 2 15th-Mar-2025
615 Ron Kiddell Area10 1 1st-Feb-2025
143 George Kimber Area3 3 1st-Feb-2025
767 Geoffrey King Area8 4 31st-Jan-2026
146 Alan Lucas Area1 3 23rd-Mar-2025
556 Marc Lyons Area6 2 7th-Mar-2025
147 Richard Mack Area10 2 23rd-Mar-2025
513 Graham Mason Area7 4 3rd-Feb-2025
702 Tony Mather Area10 4 4th-Apr-2025
300 Les May Area8 2 30th-Apr-2025
566 Pete McKendrick Area3 2 10th-Mar-2025
251 Dave McMahon Area7 4 31st-Jan-2026
5833 Netley MCRC Area7 0 31st-Jan-2026
5847 Timaru MCRC Area9 0 28th-Sep-2025
537 Michael Metcalfe Area5 2 5th-Mar-2025
248 Mac Miles Area7 4 31st-Jan-2026
403 Phil Mitchell Area7 2 16th-May-2025
154 Roderick Morrison Area1 2 9th-Nov-2025
634 James Noake Area5 1 1st-Feb-2025
653 Aston Offer Area6 2 7th-Mar-2025
164 Mike Ogden Area3 4 13th-Mar-2025
723 Michael Ovens Area6 1 1st-Feb-2025
715 George Parker Area5 4 1st-Feb-2025
168 Sandy Parker Area5 2 24th-Nov-2025
169 Lee Parsons Area8 2 9th-Jul-2025
766 Steven Pratt Area10 4 25th-Jan-2025
5873 GT Raceway Area0 0 19th-Apr-2025
5865 Skyline Raceway Area10 0 1st-Feb-2025
283 Mike Read Area8 2 14th-Apr-2025
747 Martin Reynolds Area2 4 1st-Feb-2025
437 Stephen Rhodes Area5 4 28th-Feb-2025
725 Lee Robson Area3 4 31st-Jan-2026
728 Gary Rose Area8 4 24th-May-2025
773 Stephen Rouse Area9 4 28th-Sep-2025
218 David Sargent Area2 1 12th-Mar-2025
217 Steve Sargent Area2 2 28th-Mar-2025
5868 Wolverhampton Scalextric & Slot Car Area5 0 14th-Mar-2026
5803 Bournemouth SCC Area7 0 27th-Jan-2026
5805 Coulsdon SCC Area8 0 4th-Feb-2025
5807 Dowty SCC Area7 0 17th-Feb-2025
5874 Dumfries SCC Area1 0 23rd-Jan-2026
5812 Fylde SCC Area2 0 1st-Feb-2025
5828 Leicester SCC Area5 0 9th-Sep-2027
5829 Luton SCC Area6 0 4th-Mar-2025
5876 Norwich SCC Area10 0 23rd-Jul-2025
5836 Oaklands SCC Area5 0 12th-Jan-2026
5842 Pontefract SCC Area3 0 1st-Feb-2025
5848 Rockingham SCC Area10 0 24th-Jul-2025
5845 Roedale SCC Area8 0 29th-Oct-2025
5861 Teesside SCC Area3 0 10th-Mar-2025
5875 Won-o-Won SCC Area9 0 1st-Mar-2025
761 Gavin Scott Area1 4 15th-Jan-2026
722 Simon Scott Area7 2 13th-Mar-2026
717 Michael Seary Area8 4 13th-Mar-2025
233 Paul Shepherd Area2 2 18th-Apr-2025
181 Pat Skene Area1 2 25th-Mar-2025
744 Ray Skilling Area8 4 1st-Feb-2025
5867 Bolton Slot Car Club Area2 0 22nd-Apr-2025
750 Roger Smart Area10 4 3rd-Feb-2025
182 Andy Smith Area10 4 10th-Jul-2025
246 Richard Smith Area7 3 31st-Jan-2026
187 Chris Stemman Area6 4 3rd-Mar-2025
188 Will Stemman Area8 1 15th-Mar-2025
574 Dave Stevenson Area8 1 12th-Apr-2025
755 Mark Steventon Area8 4 2nd-Apr-2025
262 Ben Tapp Area8 2 2nd-Feb-2025
741 Andy Taylor Area10 4 1st-Dec-2025
397 Steve Taylor Area10 4 20th-Jan-2026
197 Chris Thomas Area5 1 11th-Apr-2025
199 Mike Thomson Area10 2 9th-May-2025
200 Nick Thrower Area6 2 4th-Mar-2025
348 Murray Tucker Area7 2 10th-Jun-2025
697 Richard Turner Area2 4 16th-Jan-2026
689 Keith Wale Area8 4 1st-Feb-2025
771 Kurtis Walker Area1 4 29th-Aug-2025
774 Dave Warren Area5 4 19th-Dec-2025
772 Ralph West Area10 4 5th-Sep-2025
736 Paul Wilkie Area3 4 10th-Nov-2025
650 Colin Wilkinson Area10 4 22nd-Mar-2025
359 Gavin Wills Area10 1 27th-Mar-2025
250 Mark Witham Area7 2 1st-Feb-2026
770 Alfie Wolfe Area7 4 15th-Apr-2025
769 Michael Wolfe Area7 4 15th-Apr-2025
424 David A Wood Area2 2 10th-Feb-2025
211 Ben Woodward Area5 1 27th-Aug-2025
212 Graham Woodward Area5 1 27th-Aug-2025
Individual members = 137
Clubs = 23